12+ Results About New Discus Fish Not Eating [Latest Update 2021]

18+ references for new discus fish not eating There is a reason. Approx 10 days later it is still not eating any types of food including live brineshrimp blood worm BCUK Discus Food mix pellets crisps or flakes. Fish are cold blooded so they dont burn fat and energy like us worm blooded and can go long period of times without food. Check also: aquatic and new discus fish not eating If you discus fish does get HITH you can treat it with metronidazole which is recommended by several books on fish care.

I had one go for 4weeks without food. He might eat it but it is certainly not good for his health on the long term.

 On Discus Some Discus breeders will use Formalin or Potassium Permanganate to treat flukes.

On Discus New discus not eating is quite common.

As far as water parameters you will want to keep nitrate under 20 for discus preferably. On Discus New Discus Fish Not Eating
Fish Superclass Gnathostomata
Number of views: 349+ times
Uploaded date: May 2020
Open On Discus
Although they live as long as 1-2 months without eating if necessary. On Discus

Try this video it might help I hopeOne thing I forgot to mention in the video is increasing aeration with increased tempe.

 On Discus So far Ricky Blue is not.

Well I picked up two new discus on thursday beautiful fish btw and brought them home. It is normal for discus to not eat right away when they have been added to a new tank. Aug 14 2007. These two medications will give you immediate results as they will kill most of the. However another treatment that is also. Once the first three days are over get your fish a few frozen.

How To Fix Stunted Discus Before you reach for medication to treat your discus hunger strike watch this vid on how to remedy this challenge.

How To Fix Stunted Discus New Fish NOT Eating.

Discus fish like being fed in the middle. How To Fix Stunted Discus New Discus Fish Not Eating
Fish Jawed Vertebrates
Number of views: 190+ times
Uploaded date: January 2013
Open How To Fix Stunted Discus
But when you realize that your discus fish is not eating dont give it food for the first three days. How To Fix Stunted Discus

Chegou A Jardiland Discus Aquariofilia Discus Fish Discus Fish For Sale Fish Care If your fish suddenly stops eating it is often because for some reason the correct temperature has dropped in the aquarium.

Chegou A Jardiland Discus Aquariofilia Discus Fish Discus Fish For Sale Fish Care Your fish not eating the food can also mean that its expired.

I have adopted 3 Turquoise Rainbow and they are not eating anything Ive tried Frozen Brine Shrimp Frozen Flazes Blood Worms and. Chegou A Jardiland Discus Aquariofilia Discus Fish Discus Fish For Sale Fish Care New Discus Fish Not Eating
Fish Class Chondrichthyes
Number of views: 200+ times
Uploaded date: May 2021
Open Chegou A Jardiland Discus Aquariofilia Discus Fish Discus Fish For Sale Fish Care
Heat it up to 94 degrees and leave the Discus fish in the warm aquarium for 4 days then lower to 86 and put the treated fish back with the others. Chegou A Jardiland Discus Aquariofilia Discus Fish Discus Fish For Sale Fish Care

Red Discus Fish For Sale Online Jack Wattley Discus Discus Fish Discus Fish For Sale Discus The adult discus fish need to be fed 2-3 times per day.

Red Discus Fish For Sale Online Jack Wattley Discus Discus Fish Discus Fish For Sale Discus The should start eating in a few days and can even go.

Once the first three days are over get your fish a few frozen. Red Discus Fish For Sale Online Jack Wattley Discus Discus Fish Discus Fish For Sale Discus New Discus Fish Not Eating
Fish Superclass Gnathostomata
Number of views: 229+ times
Uploaded date: October 2015
Open Red Discus Fish For Sale Online Jack Wattley Discus Discus Fish Discus Fish For Sale Discus
However another treatment that is also. Red Discus Fish For Sale Online Jack Wattley Discus Discus Fish Discus Fish For Sale Discus

 En Glass Houses Aug 14 2007.

En Glass Houses It is normal for discus to not eat right away when they have been added to a new tank.

Well I picked up two new discus on thursday beautiful fish btw and brought them home. En Glass Houses New Discus Fish Not Eating
Fish Class Petromyzontida
Number of views: 259+ times
Uploaded date: September 2016
Open En Glass Houses
 En Glass Houses

Cobalt Blue Discus Discus Diskus Diskusfische Aquarium Symphysodon Tropicalfish Discusfarm Discusfish Discus Fish Tropical Freshwater Fish Oscar Fish

Cobalt Blue Discus Discus Diskus Diskusfische Aquarium Symphysodon Tropicalfish Discusfarm Discusfish Discus Fish Tropical Freshwater Fish Oscar Fish

Cobalt Blue Discus Discus Diskus Diskusfische Aquarium Symphysodon Tropicalfish Discusfarm Discusfish Discus Fish Tropical Freshwater Fish Oscar Fish New Discus Fish Not Eating
Fish Class Actinopterygii
Number of views: 349+ times
Uploaded date: March 2014
Open Cobalt Blue Discus Discus Diskus Diskusfische Aquarium Symphysodon Tropicalfish Discusfarm Discusfish Discus Fish Tropical Freshwater Fish Oscar Fish
 Cobalt Blue Discus Discus Diskus Diskusfische Aquarium Symphysodon Tropicalfish Discusfarm Discusfish Discus Fish Tropical Freshwater Fish Oscar Fish

Leopard Snakeskin Discus Diskusfische Aquarium Fische Aquarienfische

Leopard Snakeskin Discus Diskusfische Aquarium Fische Aquarienfische

Leopard Snakeskin Discus Diskusfische Aquarium Fische Aquarienfische New Discus Fish Not Eating
Fish Jawed Vertebrates
Number of views: 249+ times
Uploaded date: August 2013
Open Leopard Snakeskin Discus Diskusfische Aquarium Fische Aquarienfische
 Leopard Snakeskin Discus Diskusfische Aquarium Fische Aquarienfische

Discus Babies Feeding On The Mucus Produced One Of The Parent Tatlisu Akvaryumu Balinalar Egzotik Baliklar

Discus Babies Feeding On The Mucus Produced One Of The Parent Tatlisu Akvaryumu Balinalar Egzotik Baliklar

Discus Babies Feeding On The Mucus Produced One Of The Parent Tatlisu Akvaryumu Balinalar Egzotik Baliklar New Discus Fish Not Eating
Fish Class Acanthodii Extinct
Number of views: 249+ times
Uploaded date: April 2020
Open Discus Babies Feeding On The Mucus Produced One Of The Parent Tatlisu Akvaryumu Balinalar Egzotik Baliklar
 Discus Babies Feeding On The Mucus Produced One Of The Parent Tatlisu Akvaryumu Balinalar Egzotik Baliklar

Aquarium Blue Diamond Discus Diskus Diskusfische Sym Blue Diamond Discus Discus Discus Fish Tropical Freshwater Fish Fish Aquarium Decorations

Aquarium Blue Diamond Discus Diskus Diskusfische Sym Blue Diamond Discus Discus Discus Fish Tropical Freshwater Fish Fish Aquarium Decorations

Aquarium Blue Diamond Discus Diskus Diskusfische Sym Blue Diamond Discus Discus Discus Fish Tropical Freshwater Fish Fish Aquarium Decorations New Discus Fish Not Eating
Fish Class Chondrichthyes
Number of views: 180+ times
Uploaded date: December 2014
Open Aquarium Blue Diamond Discus Diskus Diskusfische Sym Blue Diamond Discus Discus Discus Fish Tropical Freshwater Fish Fish Aquarium Decorations
 Aquarium Blue Diamond Discus Diskus Diskusfische Sym Blue Diamond Discus Discus Discus Fish Tropical Freshwater Fish Fish Aquarium Decorations

Rudolf Wagner On Instagram Feeding Juvenile Checkerboard Discus With Flakes Discus Diskus Diskusfische Discus Fish Aquarium Fish Tropical Freshwater Fish

Rudolf Wagner On Instagram Feeding Juvenile Checkerboard Discus With Flakes Discus Diskus Diskusfische Discus Fish Aquarium Fish Tropical Freshwater Fish

Rudolf Wagner On Instagram Feeding Juvenile Checkerboard Discus With Flakes Discus Diskus Diskusfische Discus Fish Aquarium Fish Tropical Freshwater Fish New Discus Fish Not Eating
Fish Class Chondrichthyes
Number of views: 180+ times
Uploaded date: October 2015
Open Rudolf Wagner On Instagram Feeding Juvenile Checkerboard Discus With Flakes Discus Diskus Diskusfische Discus Fish Aquarium Fish Tropical Freshwater Fish
 Rudolf Wagner On Instagram Feeding Juvenile Checkerboard Discus With Flakes Discus Diskus Diskusfische Discus Fish Aquarium Fish Tropical Freshwater Fish

Discus Fish 101 Discus Mon Questions Discus Rescue

Discus Fish 101 Discus Mon Questions Discus Rescue

Discus Fish 101 Discus Mon Questions Discus Rescue New Discus Fish Not Eating
Fish Class Petromyzontida
Number of views: 150+ times
Uploaded date: August 2015
Open Discus Fish 101 Discus Mon Questions Discus Rescue
 Discus Fish 101 Discus Mon Questions Discus Rescue

 On Discus

On Discus

On Discus New Discus Fish Not Eating
Fish Class Acanthodii Extinct
Number of views: 130+ times
Uploaded date: June 2013
Open On Discus
 On Discus

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